9.4 Requesting Helicopter Support
To outline procedure for requesting helicopter support for Surf Life Saving operations.
SLSSA requires all lifesaving services to follow the provided guidelines regarding requesting helicopter support.
SLSCs and services may request support from the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter.
The State Operations Centre will notify and liaise with police regarding the most appropriate assets to deploy to all in water / emergency incidents.
The Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter crew may self-task according to their relevant procedures.
A helicopter response may not always be available or most appropriate. Lifesaving services should consider other resources, such as the RPAS Service.
Procedure for requesting helicopter support by a SLSC or service:
Operational Hours
- Requests for helicopter support must be made via the State Operations Centre (SOC).
- The SOC will relay the information to the Air Crew either by attempting to raise the Air Crew by radio to check if they heard the request, or by phone.
- The Air Crew, in consultation with the pilot, must review the request to determine what response, if any, is required.
- The Air Crew must provide a response as soon as reasonably practicable to the SOC, or directly to the requesting party via radio.
- In any case, if in the opinion of the relevant Rostered Duty Officer the helicopter may provide value, they may task the aircraft (unless there are unavoidable issues such as safety or Air Traffic Control restrictions).
Non-operational Hours
- Requests for helicopter support must be made via the SOC.
- The SOC must relay the information to the State Officer (Aerial Services).
- The State Officer (Aerial Services), in consultation with the Lifesaving and Emergency Operations Manager and pilot (if required), must review the request to determine what response, if any, is required
- The State Officer (Aerial) must provide a response as soon as reasonably practicable to the SOC.
Scope of Operations
The primary response area for the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter is coastal.
The Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter can operate during daylight hours (must be above the airport 10 minutes before the end of twilight) in areas with a visibility greater than 5km while avoiding cloud.
Request for Assistance with Community Events
Requests for the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter to assist with Community Events may be made to the Lifesaving Department via an Application for Involvement in a Special Event form in the Lifesaving Portal.
The Lifesaving Department, in consultation with the State Officer (Aerial Services) must review the request.
This document must not be displayed, including in a patrol room, or reproduced in any form, without permission from the Lifesaving Department, Surf Life Saving SA.