2.1 Information Management and Online Services
To provide an overview of the key information management tools for SLS operations.
SLSSA is committed to the quality management of key lifesaving data and information.
SLSSA supports alignment and adherence to the centralised lifesaving information management tools available through SLSA, namely Surfguard and Members Area.
The following provides a general overview of requirements. For specific milestones and due dates SLSCs / members should refer to the relevant pre-season circulars released annually.
SLSA Surfguard
Surfguard is SLSA’s central system, in which all SLS equipment, operational and membership information is held, including:
- SLSC service profiles,
- Contact details and office holders,
- SLSC patrol teams/rosters/substitutions/patrol logs,
- Gear and Equipment information updated (pre- and post annual gear inspections),
- Skills maintenance, Awards & Assessments,
- Personal member information, and
- Incident Logs.
Surfguard also provides group SMS and emailing function to assist SLSC officers in effective communication with their members Surfguard can be accessed at surfguard.sls.com.au by members who have been authorised to do so.
All skills maintenance must be completed and entered into Surfguard by December 31st annually. This includes junior activity members participation and competition skills evaluation.
Incident Logs are required to be entered into Surfguard (IRD) within 24 hours of incident if the incident was not created by the SOC or via the Operations App. Refer to SOP 13.2 – Operations App (Recording an Incident).
SLSA Members Area
The Members Area is an online self-service membership area for members of clubs and support organisations in SLS. To have access members must create their individual Members Area account by clicking on to the logon screen (please see web address below) and follow the prompts. It is web-based and can easily be added to any suitable electronic device. It offers members access to the following:
- Personal Information Summary (Home page),
- Membership (details, renewals, awards, SLSA online store) Patrols (roster, hours, swaps),
- e-Learning,
- News and events,
- Document library (Circulars, memos, guidelines, manuals, etc),
- Transaction history, and
- Forms.
The Members Area is located at members.sls.com.au
SLSA Operations App
The Operations App is the frontline app to manage all operational information of lifesaving frontline services including patrols, incidents, and services during the patrolling season. The Operations App, through its connection to Surfguard, functions as a data entry layer into Surfguard. Access to the Operations App is limited to members who:
- Hold roles as Patrol Captain or Patrol Vice-Captain (sign on/off functions),
- Patrol members (view only), and
- Have certain awards (e.g. SMIRBD) to perform certain entries, e.g. Powercraft Log.
The SLSA Operations App’s functions include:
- Patrols (e.g. sign on/off, beach status, team roster, weather conditions, patrol stats, etc),
- Gear and Equipment (list of club/service gear and equipment that has been entered into Surfguard),
- Powercraft Logs,
- Issues (with gear and equipment, e.g. damages, need for repair, etc),
- Incidents, and
- Risk Assessments (should be conducted at least at the beginning of each patrol shift and then as needed.
Some information (e.g. patrol photos, beach status) may be shared and displayed in real time in linked systems, including Beachsafe.
The State Operations Centre provides limited support for the Operations App via the Lifesaving Portal.
SLSA Beachsafe App
- Provides comprehensive information about weather and surf conditions as well as beach safety, e.g. rips, waves, sun safety, flags and signs, patrolled and unpatrolled beaches, etc.
- Covers all Australian beaches
- Is ideal for patrol preparations
The Beachsafe App can be accessed at beachsafe.org.au
SLSA IT Helpdesk
Surfguard training is available via Webinar or from SLSA by contacting the IT Helpdesk . Training sessions ideally are run as group sessions.
The SLSA help page can be accessed at help.sls.com.au
A support ticket can be submitted at support.sls.com.au
Online training ‘playpens’ may sometimes become available. These ‘dummy’ systems allow appropriately authorised personnel to practice using the systems without affecting information. Contact SLSA for more information.
SLSA Members Online Store
The Members Online Store is available to all members who have activated their Members Area account through the SLSA Members Area at members.sls.com.au
This document must not be displayed, including in a patrol room, or reproduced in any form, without permission from the Lifesaving Department, Surf Life Saving SA.