7.4 Communications Security
To outline expectations and restrictions regarding recording, releasing and streaming of SLS communications.
No SLS communications, including radio, phone, and written forms, may be recorded, released, published, or streamed without written authorisation from SLSSA through the State Officer (Communications). Any requests for information release must be promptly reported to the State Officer (Communications) via the State Operations Centre (SOC).
No individual, SLSC or service may record, release, publish or stream any SLS radio, phone or written communications without the written authorisation of SLSSA via the State Officer (Communications).
These restrictions include:
- Recording of SLSSA radio frequencies and/or provision of recording communications to any other party (internal or external).
- Live streaming of SLSSA radio frequencies on the internet or any intranet system.
- Recording of any lifesaving operations related phone/mobile communications and/or provision to any other party (internal/external).
- Provision of Surf Life Saving logs or forms to any other party (internal/external).
- ‘Posting’ or publishing any official SLS logs/forms online (to any audience) or in the media.
- Loudspeaker or loudhailer style broadcast to any size area.
- Radios where the volume is not at the minimum required volume for the user (e.g. not attached to a patrol tent or surround at high volume).
The State Officer (Communications) must be advised, via the SOC, as soon as reasonably practicable in the event of a request to release information.
Social Media
Refer to SOP 2.4 – Social Media and SLSA Policy 6.20 – Social Media.
Sensitive Information
Members may be privy to sensitive information during the course of lifesaving duties, particularly those who undertake state based roles. To be clear, all information (and especially that of a sensitive nature) must remain confidential and must not be disclosed via any medium unless authorised by SLSSA.
This document must not be displayed, including in a patrol room, or reproduced in any form, without permission from the Lifesaving Department, Surf Life Saving SA.