7.10 Radio Network Fault Reporting


To outline the process and roles/responsibilities of SLS services and service providers in resolving radio network issues.


A fully operational and effective radio network is essential to the provision of lifesaving services across the state. The resolution of radio problems must be undertaken in a coordinated manner, to achieve the most time efficient and effective outcome.


Radio Network Responsibilities

The outlined components of the radio network are managed by the following parties:

Component Responsibility
Base sets, handheld radios, facility antennas Surf Clubs / Services
State Operations Centre SLSSA
Radio Network Repeaters/VOIP SLSSA
Radio Frequencies SLSSA
SLSSA Coastal Radio Network SOPs/Procedures SLSSA

Radio Network Maintenance

When a SLSC or service identifies a problem with their radios the following checks must be completed:

  1. Lifesaving service undertakes radio checks within its own area on at least 2 handhelds and its base set (simplex, main repeater channel, and manual select repeater channel),
  2. Lifesaving service undertakes radio checks (on main and manual select repeater channels) with the SOC and services to the north and south via simplex channels, and
  3. Lifesaving service records the results of these radio checks.

The lifesaving service must call the SLSSA State Operations Centre on (08) 8354 6924 (24/7) if the issue is not resolved.

The SOC will notify the lifesaving service via radio when the repairs are complete, and the network is fully operational via an all stations message.

Faults may be reported via the Lifesaving Portal at www.surflifesavingsa.com.au/portal


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