13.2 Operations App - Recording an Incident


To outline the process for recording an incident.


SLSSA requires SLSCs and services to adhere to the following:

  • Surf clubs and services must notify the State Operations Ce.ntre of incidents which should be logged (the SOC does not need to be notified of minor injuries)
  • Surf clubs and services must use the Operations App to record incidents.
  • Surf clubs and services must follow the direction of the State Operations Centre for how incidents should be recorded, to ensure accurate statistics.
  • Surf clubs and services must make best efforts to ensure they do not duplicate statistics (e.g. a SLSC assisting a neighbouring SLSC in a rescue should not record the same rescue).


  1. Surf clubs and services must notify the State Operations Centre by radio or phone when an incident occurs.
  2. The SOC will create an incident in the incident management system and add relevant details during the incident.
  3. At the conclusion of the incident, the SOC will notify the patrol that the incident has been closed within the incident management system, which will make the incident log available to the patrol in the Operations App
  4. The patrol must then open the incident (Operations App > Menu > Incidents) and add relevant information (e.g. patient details) as required.
  5. If at any stage after the incident, a SLSC may reopen the incident in the Operations App to add follow up information. Significant incident updates must be communicated to the SOC by phone.

This document must not be displayed, including in a patrol room, or reproduced in any form, without permission from the Lifesaving Department, Surf Life Saving SA.