1.4 Operating Gear and Equipment


To ensure that all equipment and gear used by SLSCs and services are endorsed by SLSA to guarantee safety and compliance with industry standards. This endorsement protects both personnel and the organisation from potential legal and insurance issues associated with unapproved equipment.


This procedure outlines the requirements for using approved equipment, including the necessity of task-specific training for all SLS personnel to ensure safe and effective operations. It emphasises the importance of completing induction training and obtaining the necessary authorisations and certifications before operating any equipment, while also mandating strict adherence to established procedures and protocols.

This Procedure serves as a practical guide to understanding and managing risks associated with gear and equipment within your club. While it provides essential information and recommended practices, it is not a substitute for the obligations and responsibilities that the Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) must uphold under the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act. Clubs must ensure compliance with all legal requirements, and this guide should be used to complement, not replace, the mandatory duties outlined in the legislation.


All gear and equipment used by SLSCs and services for frontline SLS activities must be endorsed by SLSA. This endorsement ensures that the equipment meets the highest industry standards, fulfills operational requirements, and is safe for use.

SLSCs and services affiliated with SLSSA should be aware that using equipment not endorsed and listed as approved by SLSA may lead to potential insurance and litigation issues in the event of an incident. Therefore, it is crucial to adhere to the approved equipment list to mitigate these risks and ensure the safety and reliability of operations.

SLS personnel are required to attend task-specific training sessions provided by SLSSA or another endorsed RTO. This training ensures that personnel are well-equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their duties safely and effectively.

Training Requirements

Induction Training: Before operating any equipment, such as the SSV, SLS personnel must complete an induction program. This program covers the safe operation of the equipment and other essential safety protocols.

Equipment Operation: SLS personnel must not operate any plant or equipment unless they are authorised and qualified according to SLSSA requirements. This includes obtaining any necessary certifications and demonstrating competency in the safe use of the equipment.

Adherence to Procedures:

SLS personnel must strictly follow all SLS procedures and protocols. Compliance with these procedures ensures that all operations are conducted safely and in accordance with legal and organizational standards.


This document must not be displayed, including in a patrol room, or reproduced in any form, without permission from the Lifesaving Department, Surf Life Saving SA.