5.5 First Aid Equipment


To outline the first aid equipment and facility requirements for SLSSA based on the First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice (Safework SA).


SLSSA first aid equipment requirements are based upon the First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice (Safework SA).


First Aid Kit Contents

Refer to the latest SLSSA circular for list of minimum requirements for first aid kit.

First Aid / Medical Room

The requirements for first aid rooms are detailed in Section 3.4 – First aid facilities of the First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice (Safework SA).

The contents of a first aid room should suit the hazards that are specific to the workplace. The following items should be provided in the room:

  1. A first aid kit and restock supplies appropriate for your club and beach environment,
  2. Minimum contents list,
  3. Major Haemorrhage/Trauma kit including 2 x tourniquet,
  4. Hygienic hand cleanser and disposable paper towels,
  5. An examination bed with waterproof surface and disposable sheets,
  6. A cupboard for storage,
  7. A container with disposable lining for soiled waste,
  8. A container for the safe disposal of sharps,
  9. A bowl or bucket (minimum two litres capacity),
  10. Electric power points, and
  11. A chair and a table or desk.

The location and size of the room should allow easy access and movement of injured people who may need to be supported or moved by stretcher or wheelchair.

A first aid room should:

  • Be located within easy access to a sink with hot and cold water (where this is not provided in the room) and toilet facilities,
  • Offer privacy via screening or a door,
  • Be easily accessible to emergency services (minimum door width of 1 metre for stretcher access),
  • Be well lit and ventilated,
  • Have an appropriate floor area (14 square metres as a guide), and
  • Have an entrance that is clearly marked with first aid signage.


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