17.1 Glossary
AED - Automated External Defibrillator
Automated External Defibrillator - A portable device used to treat sudden cardiac arrest through electric shocks.
Aerial Services - Services involving aircraft, such as helicopters, used in surf life saving operations.
Aircraft Crash - Response procedures for incidents involving aircraft crashes.
ANI - Automatic Number Identification (Radio Network)
Beachsafe - A platform providing beach safety information, including surf conditions and hazards.
Body Recovery - The process of retrieving deceased persons from water or accident scenes.
Call Signs - Unique identifiers used during radio communications.
Coastal Fire - Actions to take in the event of a fire along the coast.
Coastal Flooding - Inundation of coastal areas due to extreme weather conditions or high tides.
Communications Security - Measures taken to protect the integrity and confidentiality of communications.
Contact Information for Members of the Public - Details on how to reach surf life saving personnel.
Creeping Line Search Pattern - A search pattern where teams move parallel to each other, covering an area incrementally.
Critical Incident Debriefing - A structured review conducted after a critical incident to assess response and impact.
Critical Incidents - Major emergencies that require immediate and coordinated response.
Emergency Patrol Area Closure and Evacuation - Procedures for closing and evacuating a beach area during an emergency.
Enforcement of Local By-Laws/Regulations - Actions taken to ensure compliance with local beach rules and regulations.
Enforcement of Local By-Laws/Regulations - Ensuring compliance with local regulations on the beach.
ERB - Emergency Response Beacon
ERT – Emergency Response Team (“Call Out Team”)
Expanding Square Search Pattern - A search method that expands outward from a central point to cover a designated area.
Extension of Hours - Procedures for extending patrol hours in response to increased demand.
First Aid Equipment - Supplies and tools used to provide initial medical care.
First Aid Equipment - Supplies used for providing initial medical assistance.
Gear and Equipment Inspections - Regular checks to ensure gear and equipment are in proper working condition.
GPS - Global Positioning System
HAZCHEM - A system for identifying and managing hazardous chemicals.
Heimlich Manoeuvre - A technique used to help clear an airway obstruction.
Helicopter Landing Site - Designated areas for
IRB - Inflatable Rescue Boat
IRB (Inflatable Rescue Boat) - A type of boat used in surf life saving for rescues and patrols.
JRB - Jet Rescue Boat
Lifesaving Service Agreements (LSA) - Contracts outlining the terms and expectations of lifesaving services.
Lifesaving Service Requirements (Minimum) - Basic standards required for lifesaving services.
Lightning - Procedures for responding to lightning storms.
Local Prowords - Standardised words used in radio communications for clarity.
LSA - Lifesaving Service Agreement
Maintaining Lifesaving Service Standards - Procedures for ensuring ongoing adherence to lifesaving standards.
Marine Mammals - Animals such as dolphins and seals that live in the ocean and may be encountered during patrols.
Marine Pollution - Contamination of the marine environment that may affect beach operations.
Member Statements - Reports provided by members regarding incidents or observations.
Member Welfare - Critical Incidents - Support provided to members involved in critical incidents.
Member Welfare - Support mechanisms for surf life saving personnel.
Methoxyflurane - A type of analgesic used for pain relief in emergency situations.
NFAR - No Further Action Required
Nipper Activities - Junior surf life saving programs for children.
Nipper Activities and Patrols - Integration of junior activities with regular patrols.
Operating Gear and Equipment - The tools and devices used in surf life saving operations.
Over Water Helicopter Interaction - Procedures for managing interactions between helicopters and water.
Oxygen Resuscitation Equipment - Equipment used to provide oxygen to individuals who are not breathing properly.
Parallel Line Search Pattern - A search method where teams move in parallel lines to cover an area systematically.
Patrol Briefings - Meetings held to provide updates and instructions to patrol members.
Patrol Operations (Emergency) - Procedures and actions to be taken during emergency patrol situations.
Patrol Operations (General) - Procedures and actions for routine beach patrol operations.
Patrol Operations Manual - A document providing detailed procedures for beach patrol operations at the local level.
Patrol/Service Reviews - Evaluations of patrol and service effectiveness.
Personnel and Equipment Shortages - Handling shortages of staff and equipment during operations.
PFD - Personal Floatation Device (Lifejacket)
PLB - Personal Locator Beacon
POB - Person On Board
POI - Person Of Interest
POM - Patrol Operations Manual
Post Incident - Procedures and actions to be taken after an incident has occurred.
Post Incident Media Handling - Guidelines for communicating with the media after an incident.
PSAR (35) - Public Safety and Aquatic Rescue Manual (35th Edition)
PSS - Public Safety Standard
Public Order Incident - Situations involving disturbances or conflicts among the public.
Public Rescue Equipment - Equipment available for use by the public in emergency situations.
Public Rescue Equipment (To be issued) - Guidelines for equipment available for public use.
PWC - Personal Water Craft – usually referring to private jet skis.
Radio Communications - The use of radios to communicate during operations.
Radio Equipment Specifications - Technical details and requirements for radio equipment.
Radio Features - Functional aspects of radio equipment, such as transmit and receive capabilities.
Radio Network Fault Reporting - Procedures for reporting faults or issues with radio networks.
Reduced Visibility Operations - Procedures and safety measures for operating in low visibility conditions.
Reduced Visibility Operations - Specific protocols for operating in conditions of poor visibility.
Rescue Vessel Launching and Beaching Zones - Designated areas for launching and beaching rescue vessels.
Rescue Vessel Regulations/Exemptions - Rules and exceptions related to the operation of rescue vessels.
Risk vs Gain - Evaluation of the potential benefits versus risks in a search and rescue operation.
RPAS - Remotely Piloted Air System (RPAS)
RPAS Operations (Drones) - Guidelines for operating remotely piloted aircraft systems.
RWC - Rescue Water Craft
SAR - Search and Rescue
SAREX - Search and Rescue Exercise. Activities conducted to locate and assist individuals in distress.
SMEACS (Situation, Mission, Execution, Administration and Logistics, Communications, Safety) - A structured briefing format used during SAR operations.
Search and Rescue Responsibilities - Duties and roles assigned during SAR operations.
SERS - Surf Emergency Response System (13 SURF)
Shark Incidents - Events involving sharks that require specific response procedures.
Shark Sighting Report (SSR) – Shark sighting report made to SLS
Sharps - Medical or other tools with sharp edges or points, such as needles, requiring careful handling.
SLSA - Surf Life Saving Australia (National)
SLSA Equipment Policies - Guidelines for the use and maintenance of surf life saving equipment.
SLSSA - Surf Life Saving South Australia (State)
SMEACS - Situation, Mission, Execution, Administration, Command and Control, and Safety
Social Media - Online platforms used to share information and updates.
Social Media Policies - Guidelines for using social media in relation to surf life saving activities.
SOP - Standard Operating Procedures
SSV - Side-by-Side (All-Terrain Vehicle)
State Operations Centre (SOC) (Call sign SurfCom) - The central hub for managing and coordinating SLS operations.
Surf and Weather Warnings - Alerts regarding surf conditions and weather that affect beach safety.
Surf Club Emergency Response Teams (ERT) - Teams within surf clubs trained to respond to emergencies.
Surf Club Patrol Requirements - Minimum standards and requirements for surf club patrols.
Surf Club Patrol Requirements - Standards for surf club patrols to ensure effective beach coverage.
Surf Emergency Response System (SERS) (13 SURF) - A system for managing surf life saving emergency responses.
Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA) - The national body overseeing surf life saving activities across Australia..
Surf Life Saving SA (SLSSA) - The organization responsible for surf life saving operations in South Australia.
Surf Life Saving SA Mission - The goals and objectives of Surf Life Saving SA.
Surf Rescue Vessels - Boats specifically designed for surf rescue operations.
Tsunami Warning - Alerts issued in response to potential tsunami threats.
UAV - Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (this term appears in the Operations App but is not used by SA)
Underwater Search and Rescue - Operations conducted to locate and rescue individuals underwater.
Water Safety Flags - Flags used to indicate beach conditions and safety information.
Water Safety Signage - Signs providing information about water safety and hazards.
WHS - Work Health and Safety
Work Health and Safety (WHS) - Procedures and regulations to ensure a safe working environment.
Zone Emergency Management Committee (ZEMC) – Comprised of Local and State Government and emergency management staff. These committees have a risk assurance role and provide regional leadership in emergency management in their Zones.
Zone Emergency Support Team (ZEST) – Operational group of stakeholders established by Control Agency to support the Incident Management Team (IMT).
Zones and Channels - Specific areas and frequencies used for radio communications.
This document must not be displayed, including in a patrol room, or reproduced in any form, without permission from the Lifesaving Department, Surf Life Saving SA.