13.1 Operations App - General Operations


To outline the process for the Operations App.


SLSSA requires SLSCs and services to adhere to the following:

  • Surf clubs and services must use the Operations App to record regular patrol functions (sign on, sign off and vehicle availability),
  • Surf clubs and services must use the Operations App to record incidents,
  • Surf clubs and services may use the Operations App for the IRB Log requirements, and
  • Surf clubs and services prioritise the use of the Operations App for patrol (e.g. when water cover is occurring and a regular patrol is rostered, the Operations App must exclusively be used by the patrol).


  1. If a SLSC is unable to commence patrol as rostered, but have resources available, they should ‘sign on’ with a ‘None’ or ‘Setup’ patrol status.
  2. Patrol statistics should be updated at the start of patrol, mid patrol and end of patrol.
  3. The notes section must be used to provide the SOC with non-essential relevant information e.g. patrol location (essential information must be communicated to the SOC by radio or phone).
  4. The Photo of The Day must show the beach conditions and will automatically be added to Beachsafe.

This document must not be displayed, including in a patrol room, or reproduced in any form, without permission from the Lifesaving Department, Surf Life Saving SA.