
To ensure the safe management and storage of hazardous chemicals at SLSCs in compliance with WHS Regulations. By assessing risks and implementing appropriate controls, SLSCs can protect personnel and the community from potential hazards chemicals (HAZCHEM).


This procedure outlines the requirements for handling and storing hazardous chemicals, including the need for Safety Data Sheets and secure storage facilities for flammable substances. It emphasises adherence to the Hierarchy of Controls for risk management and provides guidelines for the safe storage and handling of fuels and other chemicals to minimize the risk of injury and environmental harm.

This Procedure serves as a practical guide to understanding and managing HAZCHEM within your club. While it provides essential information and recommended practices, it is not a substitute for the obligations and responsibilities that the Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) must uphold under the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act. Clubs must ensure compliance with all legal requirements, and this guide should be used to complement, not replace, the mandatory duties outlined in the legislation.


Chemical substances vary in their hazard levels and can cause different effects on people, from minor irritations to serious injuries. The degree of harm depends on the chemical’s composition, concentration, and exposure duration.

Under WHS Regulations, hazardous chemicals (HAZCHEM) are substances that meet specific hazard criteria. SLSCs must assess risks associated with chemicals and implement controls based on the Hierarchy of Controls to manage hazards effectively. Control measures may be short-term or long-term based on risk assessment outcomes.

Storage of Fuels and Chemicals

Each SLSC must hold a current Safety Data Sheet for any hazardous chemicals which are stored, handled or stored at the SLSC.

Provision needs to be made at clubs for adequate and safe storage of chemical substances. Fuels and other flammable chemicals require a dedicated storage facility. Storage of all other chemicals will be determined by the directions provided on their individual SDS.

Fuel storage and handling Petrol is a ‘Dangerous Good Class 3’. Any SLSCs that store fuel must use an appropriate hazardous material storage cabinet that has inbuilt spillage containment and prevents fuel leaking from the cabinet, thus reducing the chance of ignition of the contents. This cabinet must be kept locked at all times, particularly while the gear/IRB shed is open to provide security against theft, vandalism and potential health and safety issues.

The SLSA Guidelines for Safer Surf Clubs provides clear guidelines for managing hazourdous substances within SLSC locations.


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